Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I've been thinking a lot lately about friendship and my friends and all the things that go along with these relationships.  And I have come to the conclusion that I am extremely lucky to have people around me who love me.  I am a true believer that God puts people in our lives at specific times for specific reasons.  It is amazing to me how at some of the most troubling times in my life have produced the most amazing friends!

I never imagined that I would have so many amazing friends and that I would be able to become good friends with so many co-workers!  However, I have learned that in the course of finding such wonderful friends, I've had to let some others go, and I've become distant with some others.  There are some friends that I sincerely miss, and others that I now realize I had to let go of in order to become who I am, and to have room in my heart to hold my new loves.

Here are some pics of SOME of my loves:

Me and my girls out for a Girls Night!
Ashley, Elise, Me, and Jill (we missed you Kendall!!)

Melissa and me at her wedding reception in Hawaii!!

Jess and Emmalyn on the day we brought her home from the hospital.

Shanna and Alexa with Emmalyn

Jeff and me at his wedding rehearsal dinner

Me and my girls at Emma's baby shower!
Kristi, Robin, Me, Jess, Melissa, Shanna (and Allie, of course!)

I love you all and can't begin to tell you how lucky I am to have you in my life!!

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