Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dog Daze

Before my daughter was born, my husband and I pretty much considered our dogs as our children.  They received tons of love and attention daily.  We were and still are very much into helping animals and supporting no-kill animal shelters.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a vegeterian or anything, but I think there is something VERY wrong with cruelty and abuse towards animals.  It breaks my heart.  I am also against any type of breed-specific legislation, but I digress... that entire topic is a blog, or six, in and of itself. 

Riley sleeping in my closet

Any way you look at it, my husband and I seriously love our dogs.  And that did not change when my daughter was born... they merely took a back seat to the love we have for her.  And their happiness and comfort comes second to hers.  Thus, I will not be playing in the floor with the dogs if my daughter is awake and I can be playing with her.  Doggy play time is baby nap time.  So I'm sure my dogs are feeling a little neglected.  And I suppose it is inevitable for them to act out because of that. 

Zeus as a puppy

My dogs LOVE my daughter.  They constantly hover around her and lay as close as possible to where she is.  When she cries, they run to me as if saying, "Something is wrong!  Fix it!  Emma is unhappy!"  It really is quite adorable.  But I think our male dog (technically my husband's dog) is starting to think he has lost his "territory."  Therefore, he has been marking in my house. 

Not.  Acceptable.


I am not altogether sure how to fix this problem.  One, I know, he needs to go on a very good walk every day in order to wear him out (and get all of the "marking" out of his system).  But given that this is Houston and it is either 8000 degrees outside or raining most days, it makes dog walking a little difficult.  Not to mention I have a 3 month old baby and another dog that would like a walk.  So how do we fix this problem?

 My Riley girl

First, I have resolved that if it is NOT raining, we WILL be going on nightly walks.  I will wear my daughter in her wrap and that way my husband and I can each walk a dog.  I have also thought of using the stroller for these walks, but I worry that somehow the dogs will tip the stroller over.  Then we would for sure be a dogless household.  Other than this, I have no idea how to break him of this habit!  I just know that it CANNOT continue!!  I refuse to allow it to continue, but I am seriously pulling my hair out over this stubborn dog!

Glued to Emmalyn's side...


  1. So I'm a big dog whisperer fan and I saw him, twice, train dogs to run on a treadmill to get some energy out. maybe that will help?

  2. Good call, Katy! He does seem to do better when he gets all his energy out while walking, running, playing, etc. I think Mike is going to have to get better about working with him...

