Sunday, July 18, 2010

Obsession #3... More Hippie-ness

Well it has been a while since I blogged about all these crazy obsessions.  So here we go with another one! 

Baby-Wearing.  (I know what many of you are thinking, "Um, what in the world is baby wearing?  And why in the hell would I want to do it?"

First, babywearing is exactly what it sounds like.  You wear your baby as opposed to hauling them in your arms or in an infant carrier.  It is much easier than lugging around the infant carrier (where it is hard to fit  places and my poor baby sweats to death) and worrying that it is going to tip out of the grocery basket or something.  You are going to carry them one way or another, so why not make it as easy as possible?

Second, babywearing is actually great for many reasons other than convenience.  Babywearing helps with motor, emotional, and cognitive development and allows for lots of snuggle time!  (The websites below list specific benefits from babywearing)

This obsession feeds right into my shopaholic nature as well!  Who knew there were so many types and SO many gorgeous colors!?!? 

I knew I wanted to baby-wear before Emmalyn was born.  However, I was leery about the slings on the market (apparently this was a good thing, since most of the slings were taken off the market shortly after Em was born).  I wanted something sturdy and something that felt more natural than a "backpack" or a sling that felt like it was swinging around when I moved.  So I looked into true "wraps." 

The first wrap I found, due to my limited knowledge at the time, was the Moby wrap.  It was moderately priced, ranging from $40-$70 per wrap.  I ordered from Babies R Us and I chose a neutral green color and was amazed at how soft the wrap was when it arrived.  I immediately started practicing how to tie it, even though I was about to pop!

I loved the Moby up until Emmalyn was about 6 weeks old.  Then it seemed like no matter how tight I tied it, it would become loose and feel "saggy".  And, by mid-May in Houston, that thing was HOT!  So I stopped using it, much to my dismay.  Then, yet another tip from Angela... woven wraps.

How had I never heard of these??  So I looked at all the different kinds of wraps I could find, and ordered 2 more.  I have never been happier with a purchase (not even with a shoe purchase, and THAT is something to marvel at)  in all my life!

The first wrap that came in was the EllaRoo wrap (I ordered the Ysabel color).  It is super light-weight and has gorgeous, thick stripes of rich colors.  It has fringe/tassles on the ends, which I think gives it a more delicate feel.
Em loving her EllaRoo while shopping.  She likes to be in a  more vertical position and able to look around.

The next woven wrap I got was the Neobulle in Manon Rouge.  This thing is GORGEOUS!!  My pictures cannot, in any way, do it justice!  I got it in a longer length so I could do all the wraps and still have some fabric hanging after tying.  This wrap is SOOO super-soft and still surprisingly light weight.  I can't wait to buy this wrap in more colors!  (See the obsession?)
Em sleeping in her Neobulle wrap.

Other wraps I love, but have not purchased (yet):

The Bali Baby Breeze in Haumea print

The Bali Baby Breeze in Orion
(The Bali Baby Breeze wraps are gauze-type wraps.  I have never used one before but they look super lightweight and remind me of a sarong!  And they have some wonderful colors and prints!)

Cherry Blossom Didymos

The EllaRoo LaRae

The Girasol Blue Lagoon

Neobulle Manon Grise (not the best picture of these pretty colors!)

Storchenwiege Inka

I can't wait to get my hands on some of these!  Babywearing has turned out to be such an awesome experience, and Emmalyn truly loves it!  I have a feeling I will be wearing her for a long time to come... even after she can walk!  My wrap sources are listed below!

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